Swimming Pools and Cell Phones
The Death of an LG 6100.
I had to have my cell phone replaced for the third time this summer. One fell in the bathroom sink while I was brushing my teeth, and another fell in the pool when I reached for it with Waterbabies covered hands and it slipped underwater and shuddered as sunk to the bottom. I usually keep it clipped to my clothes these days because I've lost a few through the years by leaving them wherever I lay them down.
Daughter #1, aka K3, dropped hers off of a roller coaster in Great Adventure; it did not make it to the ground safely. She ignored the ride warning side that something like "Watch out for flying objects: Shoes, glasses, wallets, cell phones..."
What she did wasn't bright, but if they ever have an award for stupid things people do with cell phones, I believe I deserve to be nominated.
I normally leave work right after the 12:00 truck picks up pork roll for the day, and I try to take some time off to go swimming with my son.
The other day -- a lazy, hot, muggy day, I went in the pool with my cell phone in one of those water proof pouches that came with my fancy new raft. It worked very well until I fell asleep and rolled onto the pouch, forcing it under water for God knows how long.
The one long buzzzthpppt of its death throes woke me up. I thought I was being electrocuted by a pool filter gone awry.
Verizon must love me as I'm putting the CEO's kids through college.
I had to have my cell phone replaced for the third time this summer. One fell in the bathroom sink while I was brushing my teeth, and another fell in the pool when I reached for it with Waterbabies covered hands and it slipped underwater and shuddered as sunk to the bottom. I usually keep it clipped to my clothes these days because I've lost a few through the years by leaving them wherever I lay them down.
Daughter #1, aka K3, dropped hers off of a roller coaster in Great Adventure; it did not make it to the ground safely. She ignored the ride warning side that something like "Watch out for flying objects: Shoes, glasses, wallets, cell phones..."
What she did wasn't bright, but if they ever have an award for stupid things people do with cell phones, I believe I deserve to be nominated.
I normally leave work right after the 12:00 truck picks up pork roll for the day, and I try to take some time off to go swimming with my son.
The other day -- a lazy, hot, muggy day, I went in the pool with my cell phone in one of those water proof pouches that came with my fancy new raft. It worked very well until I fell asleep and rolled onto the pouch, forcing it under water for God knows how long.
The one long buzzzthpppt of its death throes woke me up. I thought I was being electrocuted by a pool filter gone awry.
Verizon must love me as I'm putting the CEO's kids through college.