A Pork Roll In Life...

Ever been to Jersey? Do you love Original Taylor Ham or Trenton Pork Roll? This blog is dedicated to those who must have that highly-addictive, native New Jersey treat...

Thursday, August 24, 2006

A Taste of America

The Travel's Channel's TV, A Taste of America, ran a segment about Taylor Ham the other night. People called in who haven't thought of it in 30 and more years. Comfort food, memories of Grandma, walking along the hot boards of Atlantic City, Asbury Park and so many other places in New Jersey come to mind when they hear the words "Pork Roll."

Younger folks tend to remember trips to a local diner at 3:00 after a night in a club, and a
Pork Roll Egg and Cheese as the ultimate cure for a hangover.

It's always been a part of our family life as the big Sunday breakfast with eggs, rye bread, hard rolls, bacon, and Grandma's cinnamon toast.


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