A Pork Roll In Life...

Ever been to Jersey? Do you love Original Taylor Ham or Trenton Pork Roll? This blog is dedicated to those who must have that highly-addictive, native New Jersey treat...

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Father's Day and Jersey Tourism

Happy Father's Day, Pa, and to all of the Dads out there. I tried to move to Boulder, CO in the late 70's but my father, sister, and family kept me here. I came home after three months and never tried to leave the state again. "Who Says You Can't Go Home" indeed.

I just spotted the NJ Tourism commercial with Bon Jovi's song "Who Says You Can't Go Home" finally. I kept hearing it, but I'm one of those people who keeps a TV on for background noise while facing a computer monitor. It took several times hearing it to get curious enough to see what Bon Jovi was allowing their music to hawk.

Now that is a great, positive ad for tourism. The song is great, the shots of Barnegat Light and other Jersey scenes are beautiful; not a smokestack to be seen.

Originally I would have sworn Jon Bon Jovi's face was all over the commercial. He's hotter than ever at 40 something. Richie Sambora is not hard on the eyes either.

I just saw it again this morning so I'm editing like mad. Apparently I saw "the Making of Who Says You Can't Go Home" on VH1 or something, and it turns out it wasn't shot in Jersey for the most part. Oops.

Not that their looks matter or they had to have their faces shown, right? The beaches, the forest, the pine barrens, the beauty is in the eye of the beholder of all things Jersey.

Real Jersey Guys rockin' for tourism. Thank You.


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