A Pork Roll In Life...

Ever been to Jersey? Do you love Original Taylor Ham or Trenton Pork Roll? This blog is dedicated to those who must have that highly-addictive, native New Jersey treat...

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Jimmy Buff's - Simply the Best

I had to have a Jimmy Buff's today. They have a website! West Orange, Irvington, East Hanover, and Scotch Plains, NJ. The original one in Newark is gone now, but the name and flavor live on.

Yep, health food fanatic I am not. If I were to leave Jersey forever, it would be a single sausage Jimmy Buff's sandwich I'd be pining for. Not White Castle, not Tastykakes, I'd have to have someone ship me a Buff once in awhile.

I stopped at the one in Scotch Plains today, and asked about the guy who worked in the one in Irvington I went to on a regular basis in the 70's. It is still there on Springfield Avenue, and so is HE!

We, the girls of Walsh, thought he looked like Al Pacino back then. I wonder what 30 years later looks like now. I'm not sure if his name was Junior or Sonny, but he was the nicest guy and we all thought he was hot looking.

Now that I think about it, I used to hear I looked like Valerie Bertinelli and Sally Field, and I look more like Roseanne Barr now. Maybe Sonny/Junior, whatever, is best left forever young and Pacino-like in my memory.

I dribbled the "juice," otherwise known as orange grease, down my shirt as I a gobbled down the sandwich on my way to peddle pork. It is hard to handle a paper wrapped Buff and remain stainless. I don't advocate eating one while wearing formal attire.

The point is, Jimmy Buff's in mid-winter is as good as sausage on the boardwalk in Seaside or Wildwood in the summer. Go there!


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